The Time Has Come!

Pre-Order Love At First Lance

If you are reading this, it means that at some point in time, you expressed interest in my cozy fantasy romance, Love At First Lance. For that, I am eternally grateful.

You can probably relate, but from the moment I became aware of the cozy fantasy genre it quickly became my obsession. This work has been a labor of love, inspired by all the wonderfully whimsical and cozy stories I have devoured as of late, and I cannot wait to release LAFL to the world and sprinkle my own version of cozy in the mix.

With that, I am very excited to say, Love at First Lance officially has its release date: November 4, 2023! Next Saturday!! Also, my wedding day!!! I’m crazy, I know!!!!

Pre-order for the e-book is available now, I will be sending more updates regarding the paperback release:

Thank you once again for taking the time to support a small indie author who was laid off just before her wedding. It’s because of your encouragement I found the strength to persevere and focus on doing what I love most: writing stories that give readers the warm and fuzzies. I hope you enjoy LAFL!